Friday, September 25, 2009

Creative writing #1

For the first creative writing idea: creating the foundation of the story. I want us all to contribute an idea or two about:


I would like 6 suggestions for each category. Once we've gotten a couple ideas than we can start with the story.


  1. ]
    - an english teacher
    - a student
    - kid on a dusty street
    - a builder: specifically one of my builders
    - a woman making perogies
    - Nicholai Alexandrovich or Roma
    - well, obvious for me right now - the whole 'write about what you know' - a ELC type of setting.
    - I guess dusty street is a setting isn't it
    - Narimskaya 46
    - A Kitchen. I think a story all in a kitchen could be interesting.
    - Ukraine
    - The States and or USSR: I'd like to examine the 'cold war' feelings that still exist in today's society.
    - a room full of watermelons
    - present
    - past
    - future.
    lol, ok. seriuosly eh. . . time:
    - early morning. one witha slight tinge of frost possibly.
    - the time right after dinner when a couple of people stay behind and drink tea. great story writing material. . . time.
    - After losing a hockey game
    - five minutes before class. . .or just before class ends.
    - fall
    - cold winter day. possibly with a blizzard.

    hmmmm. . . .
    - communication
    - testy dough
    - cold
    - buildling the skirting for a building. slapping mud on a wall.
    - boredom
    - I think communication and/or the ability to communicate is really on my mind right now. But, I guess maybe just conversation? I'm a little stuck for 'situation or challanges' I think my situations I kind of put in with setting and character. And I want to write more of short stories. little snapshots on life. Well, we'll see.

  2. Thanks Kanatka! Let's see if anyone else adds and than I'll start compiling.

  3. Characters:
    - a changeling
    - a poet
    - a sophisticated gentleman
    - a god
    - a trickster
    - a painter

    - a forest
    - a ghost town
    - a bathroom
    - a bank
    - a ship
    - a hat shop

    - 01 january 2525
    - middle ages
    - 23:01
    - tomorrow
    - y2k
    - 1901

    - bank robbery
    - lost pet
    - blindness or deafness
    - writer's block
    - pilgrimage/journey
    - massive electronic malfunction

  4. yeah. Kanatka just means Canadian girl in Russian.

  5. Characters:
    - a retired fairy
    - a girl soldier
    - a metamorphosis man
    - a guerilla boy

    - A desert
    - An ancient desolate fortress
    - a cathedral
    - a gun shop
    - a clock tower
    - a wasteland

    - late morning
    - early Fall
    - 24 hours
    - Elizabethan period

    - redemption of a nation
    - finding a lost god
    - finding a story
    - fixing a clock so that time can continue

  6. I am really liking all the ideas for our four categories...I am getting excited about what short stories we can spin with these ideas...

  7. So, Tanya. Will there be a poet working in a bathroom during the middle ages. When. . .suddenly!! A massive electronic malfunction. Or, possibly. . .a bank robbery? ooh, what fun! :)

  8. wow... these are amazing ideas. I don't know how to top it lol... maybe add a tad of nihilism

  9. tanya or andrea. Is there a way I can get this to notify my hotmail whenever someone comments?

  10. Characters:
    - A male Priest who has just been released from a prison
    - A demoniac from the New Testament
    - An old blind missionary woman
    - A female high school science teacher
    - A dictator with a change of heart
    - An Amazon Princess who just wants to be a little girl again


    - A sea that used to be a city
    - A jungle that used to be a desert
    - Former Acadian land
    - An empty Jesuit compound
    - A talking crater
    - A floating Japanese High School

    - 3 am
    - 1700s
    - warp
    - In the Beginning
    - Revelation
    - now

    - a university science vs religion debate
    - a mass possession/zombie attack
    - finding a friend you can trust
    - redemption
    - forgiveness
    - common ground

  11. By the way... I love how this site looks now. Especially the monster at the top :) its SO cool

  12. ooh, I also want to know that. But then. maybe it does. I'm using my gmail account here and I never ever check it. And I agree. great ideas. Just even putting the ideas down has started me writing. Such a great kick-start. And that priest who's just been released from prison sounds interesting. He's not going to be a child molester is he? What am I talking about. Of course we won't be cliche. :)
    good luck everyone!

  13. I really like the priest leaving prison also but you could really mess with the head over that one. Start off with appearing "cliche" and throw something out there completely different.

  14. Wow there really are some great ideas here. Can't wait to get started. Anyone know what happened to Dale and David?

  15. Characters..
    a tailor
    a forensic mechanic investigator

    somewhere where the primary sense (light or hearing) is slow, like 15kph, so we interact with life sort of like through a slow internet connection - but somepeople have a new sense that lets them sense things before they should...
    a garage
    a forest. near Hazelton, like in mantracker

    shortly after the machine apocalypse

    catching a cold blooded gastank sugarer

  16. Time :
    Epic - a family of mice from 2000bc to present. The drama, the war, the romance, as the family's fortunes rise and fall. Also maybe vampires... they're in right now.

  17. love it! All great ideas. Once I find out where our other possible contributor stands with our creative project, we will get started!

  18. Vampires! Sweet! We can have a vampiress and name her Ella. Lol. I was just commenting to someone the other day (can't remember who, but we were at Chapters) that it's so funny how everytime there is a best-selling fantasy series, there are a rash of other authors who seem to think "ooh good idea -- I'll write a [insert latest fad here] novel". They had a whole table of recent vampire teen fiction with a table card that read "Bella's Reading List". And I remember a very similar one that was either Harry's or Hermione's Reading List when I worked there :-)

  19. I love the epic family of mice! And also the forensice mechanic investigator. Dale you are crazy. :)

  20. Your epic family of mice sounds like my corny christian romances about the people I know.

  21. ooh, and one more idea. "the joys of corona."

  22. Ooh, Dale. I was thinking. Can the vampires be Cats? or Rats? or something. . .

  23. Just had to throw in this quote from Unseen Academicals: "Everyone knows he's got something going on with that vampire up in Uberwald. You know? The one who invented the Temprance League? Vampires who don't suck blood?" -- gotta love Pratchett :-)
